Friday, May 8, 2015

There is a Difference!

Over the years, I have been paying attention to what people have been saying about their bodies.  They try to tell you to love your body just how it is if they are bigger.  "I'm just big boned," even though there is no such thing as having big bones. Well what if you are unhealthy?  If you are on the path to unhealthiness, will you make a change?

All the women in my family are fat (except my mom and my sister), they know it and I know it.  My mom decided that her family wasn't going to be like that.  We stay fit, we eat healthy and we enjoy it.  The family looks down on us because we are the only fit family.  We are always "Too small," or "Need more meat on our bones."

The other women in the family don't do anything.  They sit around, cook and eat everything they cooked.  They don't run, they don't work out.  A few of them are diabetics.

Those who are bigger than others say that they love their bodies.  My question is, if you love your body, why don't you make a difference?  Treat your body right.  Exercise and eat right.  I'm not saying that 110 pounds is more healthy than 180 pounds.  What I am saying is that if you are unhealthy at 180 pounds, get healthy so you won't have to deal with health issues down the line.