Thursday, April 16, 2015

No Weight Exercises

I'm sure we have all heard these excuses before. "I can't find a ride to the gym," or "I don't have any weights at home, so I can't do any workouts."  Maybe you are the one who is saying these things.  We tend to make many excuses for ourselves to avoid doing workouts that will benefit us.

Here is a video of five workouts that don't require any equipment that you can do at home.  Brian Kalakay, a certified turbulence trainer, breaks them down one by one.

These workouts are

1. Spiderman Burpee: Start in a plank position.  Raise your right leg to the right arm, go back to the plank position.  Raise your left leg to your left arm and go back to the plank position.  Stand to a squat position and jump.

2. Plank Tricep Extension:  Start in the plan position, forearms on the ground.  Extend all the way up and slowly come back down into the plank position

 3. Plyo-Push-ups:  Start in the plank position.  Push yourself off the ground and in the air.  Come back to the start point.

 4. Bodysaw:  Start in the plan position.  Forearms should start on the ground.  Move the body forward and back, creating a "Saw" motion.

5. Jump Squat Punisher:  This exercise can be really tough on the legs.  Start in the squat position and jump up, come back down to the squat position and jump again.  Repeat this process for 20 seconds.  After the 20 seconds are up, Get in the squat position and hold it for 10 more seconds.

There are many workouts out there to accompany people who don't have any equipment, or access to a gym.  Find something that works for you.  This doesn't mean find something that is easier.  If you want results, you have to work hard, feel a burn.  Ask friends what they do, or do some research on workouts.  It is always better to do your own research than listening to other people.

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